About LG Hausys: LG Hausys, Ltd. is a Korea-based company primarily engaged in the production and sale of building materials. The company operates in two segments: Automotive Material & Industrial Film and Building Material.
The Building Material segment manufactures and sells various window products, including casement windows & doors, sliding windows, sliding patio doors, and more. LG Hausys distributes its products both within the domestic market and to overseas markets, including China, the United States, Russia, and Germany.
Sliding Windows & Doors: LG Hausys consistently emphasizes the importance of not only fine external appearances but also creating a healthy and comfortable living space. Through LG Hausys windows, you can experience a more beautiful scenery and enjoy fresh air.
Casement Windows & Doors: : It's a well-known fact that approximately 30% of a house's warmth is lost through the windows. LG Hausys window systems, designed with high-insulating properties and multi-chamber design, help keep heating costs low.
"We at Futoria are proud to associate with LG Hausys, Ltd., to provide services in Kerala"